The POWER of YOU Nudge Nutrition

Engaging in regular physical activities, such as going to the gym, walking, or using the stairs, can provide the body with constant motion. This not only benefits our physical health but also plays a crucial role in the brain's repair and regeneration process

The hippocampus, a vital region of the brain responsible for memory and learning, is particularly impacted by these movements. By keeping the body in motion, we stimulate the hippocampus, allowing it to generate new cells and repair any damage

This process contributes to improved cognitive function and helps maintain a healthy brain. Therefore, it is crucial to incorporate regular physical activity into our daily routines to support the brain's ability to repair and replace cells

woman in white long sleeve shirt and black pants sitting on red metal frame
woman in white long sleeve shirt and black pants sitting on red metal frame
woman wearing black sports bra
woman wearing black sports bra


woman wearing black sports bra and white legging lifting dummbells
woman wearing black sports bra and white legging lifting dummbells

Train your Brain

Bubble bath for the Brain

Your Brain on Exercise